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Fintech Model with Special Reference to SME in UAE

1 Professor, Acharya Bangalore Business School, Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Small and medium enterprises (SME) lending is completely forbidden and considered as high-risk segment in UAE. A new conceptual working model is developed with the existing complexities. This model requires government and industry support, if the support is denied, then this model will not work. This proposed model will overcome the risk of banks and make them to look at the profiles of SME and offer merit-based finance. This Model will open up 50bn dollar market and if this happens UAE will grow rapidly.


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  • Fintech Model with Special Reference to SME in UAE

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Ravichandran Krishnamoorthy
Professor, Acharya Bangalore Business School, Bangalore, Karnataka, India


Small and medium enterprises (SME) lending is completely forbidden and considered as high-risk segment in UAE. A new conceptual working model is developed with the existing complexities. This model requires government and industry support, if the support is denied, then this model will not work. This proposed model will overcome the risk of banks and make them to look at the profiles of SME and offer merit-based finance. This Model will open up 50bn dollar market and if this happens UAE will grow rapidly.


