Effect of Doctor's Emotional Intelligence on Patient Satisfaction
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Better health outcome happens when physicians are attuning to their patient's need. The comprehending importance of EI for effective performance at work is more interesting and useful. This study explored the relationship between doctor's emotional intelligence (EI) and patient satisfaction. EI was measured using self-report tool developed by Schutte. Patient satisfaction was assessed with Hulka scale. The results showed that there was a positive correlation between doctors' EI and their patient satisfaction. However, it did not report significant differences in doctor's EI across gender, age and length of service. Doctor's EI significantly predicted patient satisfaction. It has implications for doctor's whose EI abilities are essential ingredients to perceive and appraise patient's feelings and needs in addition to managing their emotions. The way doctor's respond to the patient's feelings affects their satisfaction towards heath care provider. Enhanced EI abilities of health care providers contribute to health care outcome.
Emotional Intelligence, Perception of Emotions, Managing Emotions, Patient Satisfaction, Personal Qualities.
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