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Modelling Customer's Vision towards Distribution Channels of Indian Life Insurance Industry
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The study endeavours to examine relationship between customer satisfaction and dimensions of behavioral consequences, specifically toward services provided by distribution channels of Indian Life Insurance Industry. A total of 617 responses have been generated from life insurance policyholders. Using Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analyses, instruments to measure customer's satisfaction and behavioral intentions have been tested specifically for life insurance intermediaries and relationships have been confirmed through Structural Equation Modelling. The resulting instrument provides support for the original constructs- core service, human element of service delivery, systematization of service delivery, tangibles of service and social responsibility- but with 32 items instead of prior 41 items, as important antecedents for measuring customer's satisfaction. The results provide empirical support for comprehensive nature of positive effects of satisfaction on word of mouth, purchase intention and price sensitivity but negative influence on complaining behavior.
Customer Satisfaction, Behavioral Consequences, Distribution Channels, Life Insurance Services, India.
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