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Conquering the Employability Conundrum Among Business Graduates in India
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As per the annual statistics by AICTE, it is to be noted that only less than 50% of business graduates are placed and as per the ASSOCHAM report, only 7% of all business graduates only are employable. Low quality of education in the majority B-Schools, lack of skill-based education, and obliterated syllabus can be attributed to this state of affairs of management graduates in the country. Absence of faculty development, poor infrastructure, lack of importance in benchmarking, declining percentage in placements, incapability of graduates to look beyond profitability, excess supply, poor quality graduates lacking basic skills, and, a growing number of B-Schools which are on the verge of closing down are all matter of high concern. A root cause analysis of this declining trend with some remedial measures to revive the same is presented. It identifies the major stakeholders and their corresponding roles in making the future management graduate more employable.
Employability, Graduates, Skills, Attributes, MBA.
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