Influence of Nitrogen, Potassium and Sulphur Levels on Growth, Yield Attributes and Yield of Forage Pearlmillet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.]
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A field experiment on this crop (variety GFB 1) was conducted in R.B.D. with three replications during summer-monsoon seasons of 2003 and 2004 on different sites to study the influence of various levels of N, K and S. There were two levels of N viz.,100 and 150 kg ha-1, three treatments of K viz., 0, 40 kg K2O ha-1 applied either entirely as basal and 50% as basal and remaining in two equal splits after first and second cuts and three levels of S viz., 0, 20 and 40 kg S ha-1. There were three cuts in each year. Initial available N, K and S contents in soil were low, medium and marginal, respectively in their status. Yield of green forage, dry matter yields were increased by application of N, K and S. There was 31.8 per cent increase in green forage yield due to nitrogen (N2) over that of N1 (521.4 q ha-1), 9.8 and 19.4 per cent increase for K1 and K2 over that of K0 (550.7 q ha-1) and 3.78 and 7.86 per cent increase for sulphur-S1 and S2 over that of S0 (581.7 q ha-1), respectively. Similarly the dry forage yield was also increased. The yield increase due to N, K and S treatment was supported by increase in growth parameters such as tillers per meter row length, number of internodes per plant and plant height. The beneficial effect due to K particularly that of K2 may probably due to dominance of intensity factor in K supply mechanism.
Green and Dry Matter Yield, Growth Parameters.
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