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Entrepreneurial Attributes of Women Entrepreneurs

1 Department of Home Science Extension Education, Institute of Home Science, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra (U.P.), India

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Woman entrepreneur is a person who organizes and manages activity/organization, undertaking the risks for fulfilling some of her needs. Definitely every entrepreneur has some attributes for running an enterprise. So the aim of present study was conducted to explore entrepreneurial attributes of women entrepreneurs. Descriptive type of research design was used to study two entrepreneurial attributes namely achievement motivation and risk taking willingness of 60 women entrepreneurs running boutique/beauty parlour. For assessing achievement motivation, Thematic Apperception Test developed by Mehta (1976) was used with slight modification. Risk taking willingness was assessed with the help of six risk taking situations given by Mathai (1978). Primary data were collected through interview schedule in zones of Agra city in U.P. during 2002-2005. Percentage and co-efficient of correlation was used as a statistical measure. The study showed that majority of entrepreneurs were possessing moderate achievement motivation (51.7%) and risk taking willingness (65.00%). They started their enterprise primarily for personal achievement (35.90%) and secondly for social achievement and need for influence (20.20% each). The findings of the study are based on expressed opinions of the entrepreneurs. Hence, the objectivity would be limited to the extent of the entrepreneurs' honest opinions. In spite of these limitations, it is hoped that the findings of this study would provide a better insight in preparing the future plan for the entrepreneurship development among women.


Attributes, Psychological Attributes, Achievement Motivation, Risk Taking Willingness.
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  • Entrepreneurial Attributes of Women Entrepreneurs

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Department of Home Science Extension Education, Institute of Home Science, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra (U.P.), India


Woman entrepreneur is a person who organizes and manages activity/organization, undertaking the risks for fulfilling some of her needs. Definitely every entrepreneur has some attributes for running an enterprise. So the aim of present study was conducted to explore entrepreneurial attributes of women entrepreneurs. Descriptive type of research design was used to study two entrepreneurial attributes namely achievement motivation and risk taking willingness of 60 women entrepreneurs running boutique/beauty parlour. For assessing achievement motivation, Thematic Apperception Test developed by Mehta (1976) was used with slight modification. Risk taking willingness was assessed with the help of six risk taking situations given by Mathai (1978). Primary data were collected through interview schedule in zones of Agra city in U.P. during 2002-2005. Percentage and co-efficient of correlation was used as a statistical measure. The study showed that majority of entrepreneurs were possessing moderate achievement motivation (51.7%) and risk taking willingness (65.00%). They started their enterprise primarily for personal achievement (35.90%) and secondly for social achievement and need for influence (20.20% each). The findings of the study are based on expressed opinions of the entrepreneurs. Hence, the objectivity would be limited to the extent of the entrepreneurs' honest opinions. In spite of these limitations, it is hoped that the findings of this study would provide a better insight in preparing the future plan for the entrepreneurship development among women.


Attributes, Psychological Attributes, Achievement Motivation, Risk Taking Willingness.
