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An Analytical Study of Thermal Waves Facing the Austenitic Steel

1 T-136424-7, Institution of Engineers (India) 8, Gokhale Road, Kolkatta-20, India

Iron (Fe-C) being the most acceptable container material exposed to higher temperature ranges. This study is based on the Austenite Face Centered Cubic structure of Iron. The crystal structure of the material, the wavelength of the thermal radiation, the packing factor of the FCC crystal structure, the thermal conductivity, the free electron model are main concepts taken into consideration. The thermal behaviour of the material is explained analogous to the light wave of reflection, absorption and refraction.
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  • William HM. Heat transmission.
  • Tiwari SR. Volume of sphere. ASTRA2015.
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  • An Analytical Study of Thermal Waves Facing the Austenitic Steel

Abstract Views: 738  |  PDF Views: 336


Sanjay R. Tiwari
T-136424-7, Institution of Engineers (India) 8, Gokhale Road, Kolkatta-20, India


Iron (Fe-C) being the most acceptable container material exposed to higher temperature ranges. This study is based on the Austenite Face Centered Cubic structure of Iron. The crystal structure of the material, the wavelength of the thermal radiation, the packing factor of the FCC crystal structure, the thermal conductivity, the free electron model are main concepts taken into consideration. The thermal behaviour of the material is explained analogous to the light wave of reflection, absorption and refraction.
