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Construction industry consumes natural resources in bulk quantities for various products such as bricks/blocks, mortar, concrete, etc. Indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources to meet the ever-expanding needs of the construction sector is posing serious environmental concerns and resulting in scarcity of natural raw materials. At the same time, a large volume of non-organic solid waste (NOSW) is being generated through various anthropogenic activities. It is challenging to find environmentally safe and economically viable solutions for handling such waste materials. This article discusses the construction industry scenario in India, some estimates of NOSW and strategies for their utilization. Few case studies of R&D work on the possibilities of utilizing NOSW for construction products are illustrated. In particular, the technical feasibility of utilizing construction and demolition (C&D) waste and iron ore tailings (IOT) as raw materials for construction products is highlighted. Experimental results presented here on the properties of mortar and concrete when C&D waste and IOT are used as an alternative to fine aggregate for replacing the scarce river sand are promising, showing immense potential for utilizing NOSW for the manufacture of construction products and materials.


Aggregates, Construction Materials, Iron Ore Tailings, Solid Waste.
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