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Ionospheric Precursors Observed in TEC Due to Earthquake of Tamenglong on 3 January 2016

1 Atmospheric Research Laboratory, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221 005, India

Ground-based GPS data show the presence of earthquake precursor in the form of perturbation in TEC of the ionosphere. The analysis of data for Tamenglong Earthquake (M = 6.7, 3 January 2016) from the stations at Lhasa, China (29.65°N, 91.10°E), Hyderabad, India (17.41°N, 78.55°E), and Patumwan, Thailand (13.73°N, 100.53°E) for the duration of 5-days before and after the main shock of the earthquake show large enhancement and decease in TEC. The results for Lhasa station which lies in the Earthquake preparation zone showed a decrease in TEC on 29 December (-37%) and 30 December (-9%) which is followed by an enhancement in TEC (47%) on 31 December, i.e. 3 days before the main shock. After the main shock negative ionospheric perturbation has been observed on 4, 5 and 7 January 2016 with a reduction of 20%, 32% and 24% respectively. Stations lying outside preparation zone (Patumwan and Hyderabad) did not show any ionospheric precursor.


Earthquake, GPS TEC, Ionosphere, Seismo-Electromagnetic.
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  • Ionospheric Precursors Observed in TEC Due to Earthquake of Tamenglong on 3 January 2016

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Sanjay Kumar
Atmospheric Research Laboratory, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221 005, India
A. K. Singh
Atmospheric Research Laboratory, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi 221 005, India


Ground-based GPS data show the presence of earthquake precursor in the form of perturbation in TEC of the ionosphere. The analysis of data for Tamenglong Earthquake (M = 6.7, 3 January 2016) from the stations at Lhasa, China (29.65°N, 91.10°E), Hyderabad, India (17.41°N, 78.55°E), and Patumwan, Thailand (13.73°N, 100.53°E) for the duration of 5-days before and after the main shock of the earthquake show large enhancement and decease in TEC. The results for Lhasa station which lies in the Earthquake preparation zone showed a decrease in TEC on 29 December (-37%) and 30 December (-9%) which is followed by an enhancement in TEC (47%) on 31 December, i.e. 3 days before the main shock. After the main shock negative ionospheric perturbation has been observed on 4, 5 and 7 January 2016 with a reduction of 20%, 32% and 24% respectively. Stations lying outside preparation zone (Patumwan and Hyderabad) did not show any ionospheric precursor.


Earthquake, GPS TEC, Ionosphere, Seismo-Electromagnetic.
