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An Experimental Investigation of Effects of Media Type and Plot Connection on Brand Placement Effectiveness
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The present study represents experiments on brand placement effectiveness in Bollywood movies and TV reality and shows considerable varying levels of plot connection of the placed brand. A 2 (media type: Bollywood movies vs. TV reality shows) × 2 (Plot connection: low vs. high) full factorial experimental design was adopted. A multivariate analysis of covariance was used. It identified both main and interaction effects. The results revealed that audiences’ responses towards brand placement vary with regard to different types of media and varying levels of plot connection. The current research contributes to the literature as it validates that different media types and varying levels of plot connection of brand placement can influence the brand placement effectiveness. Most audiences showed a positive change in brand attitudes and purchase intention towards brand placement in Bollywood movies and TV reality shows. However, for brand placement effectiveness, it can be concluded that a Bollywood movie is the best media vehicle to place brands. Marketers and brand managers should mostly focus on highly integrating brands into the plots of the Bollywood movie so that brands are easily noticeable and therefore, tend to draw higher consumer responses.
Brand Placement, Bollywood Movies, TV Reality Shows, Brand Attitude, Purchase Intention.
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