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Web Citation Behaviour in the Annals of Library and Information Science : A Critical Analysis
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The present study is an attempt to carry out the citation analysis of all the journal articles published in the Annals of Library and Information Science from 2010-2019. A total of 7,124 citations appended to 328 papers were published in the journal during the ten-year study period. Average number of citations per article is maximum in 2018. Out of 7,124 citations appended, 1,039 (14.58%) citations appeared in 2010, followed by 873 (12.28%) citations in 2018, and 831 (11.66%) citations in 2013. The findings reveal that a majority of the papers have 16-20 citations (25%), followed by 11-15 (14.93%) citations, and 6-10 (14.02%) citations. The study also depicts that out of the total, 5,081 (71.29%) Web references were used in the article references. The Annals of Library and Information Science is the most preferred journal used by authors during the study period, being cited 476 times. The authorship pattern reveals that two-author citations are in the majority (46.45%). Out of the total authors who contributed a total of 328 papers, 254 (77.43%) were affiliated to the institutions located in India.
Citation Analysis, Annals of Library and Information Science, Journals, Bibliometrics, E-Citations.
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