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Analysis of the YouTube Videos Related to Digital Library

1 Chhaygaon College, Chhaygaon, Assam, India

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YouTube plays an important role in today’s life, as people search for different information, queries, or tutorial videos on the platform. YouTube is one of the most trending social media platforms among the people, which provides an open platform to the content creator to share their knowledge and ideas worldwide. The main purpose of this study is to analyse YouTube videos that are related to the digital library. Dataset for evaluating the videos related to the digital library was extracted using Webometric Analyst software, by creating YouTube API. The software retrieved a total of 518 videos. After completion of the extraction process from the software, a manual verification was carried out to filter out spam videos; after filtering, 507 videos were found relevant and were considered for the analysis.


YouTube Videos, Analysis of YouTube Videos, Digital Library Videos, YouTube, Online Videos, Content Analysis.
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  • Analysis of the YouTube Videos Related to Digital Library

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Ankita Saloi
Chhaygaon College, Chhaygaon, Assam, India


YouTube plays an important role in today’s life, as people search for different information, queries, or tutorial videos on the platform. YouTube is one of the most trending social media platforms among the people, which provides an open platform to the content creator to share their knowledge and ideas worldwide. The main purpose of this study is to analyse YouTube videos that are related to the digital library. Dataset for evaluating the videos related to the digital library was extracted using Webometric Analyst software, by creating YouTube API. The software retrieved a total of 518 videos. After completion of the extraction process from the software, a manual verification was carried out to filter out spam videos; after filtering, 507 videos were found relevant and were considered for the analysis.


YouTube Videos, Analysis of YouTube Videos, Digital Library Videos, YouTube, Online Videos, Content Analysis.
