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A Review on Generation of Liquid Bio-Fuels from Renewable Resources for Energy Security of India

1 Ganpat University, Mehsana, India

Economic growth is always in need for any developing country, and demand of energy will also be always there for economic growth. Out of total energy consumption of India, oil consumption is 36 per cent. Today, India ranks amongst top ten nations in the world for oil consumption. Transport sector contributes to almost 24% of commercial energy consuming sectors.

The main objective behind energy security for India is to become self-sufficient in energy sources. This calls for diversification of sources of oil imports.

In India, Bio-fuels are gradually coming as major factor as the most important energy sources in sustainability and helps in restricting the greenhouse gas emissions. This review article gives an overview of different techniques and processes for liquid bio-fuels from renewable resources which strengthen India’s energy security.


Bio-Fuels, Bio-Ethanol, Bio-Methanol, Bio-Diesel, Bio-Gas.
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  • A Review on Generation of Liquid Bio-Fuels from Renewable Resources for Energy Security of India

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Raju Shah
Ganpat University, Mehsana, India


Economic growth is always in need for any developing country, and demand of energy will also be always there for economic growth. Out of total energy consumption of India, oil consumption is 36 per cent. Today, India ranks amongst top ten nations in the world for oil consumption. Transport sector contributes to almost 24% of commercial energy consuming sectors.

The main objective behind energy security for India is to become self-sufficient in energy sources. This calls for diversification of sources of oil imports.

In India, Bio-fuels are gradually coming as major factor as the most important energy sources in sustainability and helps in restricting the greenhouse gas emissions. This review article gives an overview of different techniques and processes for liquid bio-fuels from renewable resources which strengthen India’s energy security.


Bio-Fuels, Bio-Ethanol, Bio-Methanol, Bio-Diesel, Bio-Gas.
