Factors Influencing Students' Choice of Institutions for Higher Learning:An Empirical Analytical Study
The purpose of this study is to determine factors that influence students in their choice of institutions for higher learning / professional course of studies. The study also focuses on determining whether or not the factors correlate with age of the student and parental income. The sample for this study consisted of 541 students from different institutions of professional studies in U ttarakhand State. A survey questionnaire adapted from a previous study and an interview schedule were used to collect the data for this study. The study found that vital information regarding the course of studies ivas the most influential factor when students make a choice of higher institution of learning. This is followed by financial affordability considerations and the institution's infrastructure & facilities. Sports activity was found to be the least important factor. The study also found that generally age of the student and parental income were not significant in influencing the students' choice. However, father's income was found to be relevant with respect to the location of the institution.
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