Cyber Criminals:A Psychological Study
Ethics refers to a restraint dealing with what is good or bad. Although the two words can be differentiated by looking roughly but looking in the depth & then finding a difference is really a turbulent task. The online unethical task is not for all time a crime. There is an inherent connection between our way of thinking, awareness and the morals we do posses. The reason behind all online unethical tricks may possibly be that we have implemented lots of technical gizmos around us but don't know the standard approach of operating it. This paper uncovers the hairline among the conventional crimes & the Techno-lntellectual Crimes and also tries to get into the depth of reason behind the psyche of a cyber offender. Our Target audiences are Parents, Educators and children.
It is not practical to assume that only children are prone to be affected by poor habits. Although the poor habits can start at any age but yes, its true that because of lack of maturity and knowledge poor habits may target children first because a mature person can differentiate between ethical and unethical sides of behavior up to some extent whereas for the kids we as parents and teachers are responsible for teaching them ethical values and making them aware of the facts that the friendly technology may cause disasters for the society if used wrongly.
Living in a society is governed by some norms of social behavior accepted by all. Although living in a real society and in an e-society is entirely different as in real society we know our boundaries and the socially accepted behavior whereas in e-society boundaries are blurred and we are not aware of the fact that the things we are doing are accepted by the e-society or not.
Computer crime is different from usual crime, it is easy to commit, but tricky to detect and even fiarder to prove. Computer ethics is a brancli of realistic philosophy, which deals with how computing professional should formulate judgments about professional and social conduct.
With the gigantic expansion of the Internet, privacy concerns as well as anxieties about computing expertise such as spy ware and web browser cookies have caused to define ethical behavior in technology.

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