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A Perceptional Study of Expectations of Generation Y for Work Life Balance

1 Datta Meghe Institute of Management Studies, Nagpur, India

Purpose:The purpose of this understand the expectations balance of Gen Y employee marketing industries in Nagpur.

Design/Methodology/Approach: The entire study is based on the primary data which is collected through the responses from a structured questionnaire from the employees of IT and marketing industries in Nagpur.

Findings:The research shows that Gen Y employees are keen to have ideal work life balance and want creative and challenging work.

Originality/value: The research will contribute to the understanding of the effectiveness and impact of different goals to be set for work life balance as well as to understand the expectations of Gen Y for work life balance.

Limitations: The results and their implications come from different Gen Y respondents who are employees of IT&Marketing organizations' in Nagpur District only. Results may not be generalize to other respondents of IT&Marketing organizations' of other cities.


Work Life Balance, Gen Y.
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  • A Perceptional Study of Expectations of Generation Y for Work Life Balance

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Rahul Mohare
Datta Meghe Institute of Management Studies, Nagpur, India
Akash Agrawal
Datta Meghe Institute of Management Studies, Nagpur, India


Purpose:The purpose of this understand the expectations balance of Gen Y employee marketing industries in Nagpur.

Design/Methodology/Approach: The entire study is based on the primary data which is collected through the responses from a structured questionnaire from the employees of IT and marketing industries in Nagpur.

Findings:The research shows that Gen Y employees are keen to have ideal work life balance and want creative and challenging work.

Originality/value: The research will contribute to the understanding of the effectiveness and impact of different goals to be set for work life balance as well as to understand the expectations of Gen Y for work life balance.

Limitations: The results and their implications come from different Gen Y respondents who are employees of IT&Marketing organizations' in Nagpur District only. Results may not be generalize to other respondents of IT&Marketing organizations' of other cities.


Work Life Balance, Gen Y.
