Corporate Social Responsibility Practices in India: a Study of Top Fast Moving Consumer Goods Companies
This paper tries to enlist various initiatives taken by the FMCG sector in the recent times with respect to CSR along with its future scope. The Corporate Social Responsibility is the commitment of the corporate for the equitable growth&sustainable development of the society. Under the new Companies Act, 2013, passed by Parliament in August 2013, profitable companies will have to spend at least 2 per cent of their average net profit over the preceding three years on CSR activities. In this context the present paper looks into the corporate social responsibility spending of the Indian FMCG companies.
Statement of the Problem: From the past studies it has been found that the contribution by Indian companies on corporate social responsibility is deficient. The new legislation of Companies Act 2013 requires certain class of companies to spend at least 2 % of their three year average annual net profit towards CSR activities. It in this perspective the following study is undertaken to figure out CSR spending of the Indian FMCG companies.
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