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Vacuum Brazing of Inconel 718 to Ti-6Al-4V

1 Centre for Advanced Systems, DRDO, Yadgarpalli (V), Keesar (M), Hyderabad – 501301, Telangana, India

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The classic alloy Ti-6Al-4V is used in compression section of the turbine engine such as blades, discs and wheels. The turbine discs are amongst the most critical of components in the aeroengine and Inconel 718 is most widely used candidate alloy for these parts because of its excellent corrosion resistance, oxidation resistance, good tensile and creep properties at elevated temperatures. Fusion welding, as well as solid state welding processes of these dissimilar material combinations, result in formation of brittle intermetallic phases Ti2 Ni, TiNi3 and TiNi. The precipitation of undesirable phases such as intermetallic compounds and carbides causes a drastic deterioration in performance of the joints.

Vacuum brazing is one of the most promising routes to join dissimilar metallurgically incompatible materials. The mere fact is that brazing does not involve any substantial melting of the base materials, offers several advantages over other welding processes. The present work is an effort to understand the brazing aspects of Inconel 718 and Ti-6Al-4V, brazed at 950ºC in a high temperature vacuum furnace using Ti15Cu15Ni (wt%) brazing filler.

Vacuum brazing was successfully performed between Inconel 718 and Ti-6Al-4V. The microstructure and phases present in the bonded joints were analyzed by means of Optical Metallography, Scanning Electron Microscope, Energy Dispersive Spectrometer analysis and Electron Micro Probe Analysis. Tensile lap-shear strength of brazed joints were evaluated in the as-brazed condition. A maximum of 84 MPa and a minimum of 47 MPa strength was achieved in the brazed joints.


Ti-6al-4v, Inconel 718, Vacuum Brazing, TiCuNi, Dissimilar Joint.
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  • Vacuum Brazing of Inconel 718 to Ti-6Al-4V

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Sree Vardhan Lalam
Centre for Advanced Systems, DRDO, Yadgarpalli (V), Keesar (M), Hyderabad – 501301, Telangana, India


The classic alloy Ti-6Al-4V is used in compression section of the turbine engine such as blades, discs and wheels. The turbine discs are amongst the most critical of components in the aeroengine and Inconel 718 is most widely used candidate alloy for these parts because of its excellent corrosion resistance, oxidation resistance, good tensile and creep properties at elevated temperatures. Fusion welding, as well as solid state welding processes of these dissimilar material combinations, result in formation of brittle intermetallic phases Ti2 Ni, TiNi3 and TiNi. The precipitation of undesirable phases such as intermetallic compounds and carbides causes a drastic deterioration in performance of the joints.

Vacuum brazing is one of the most promising routes to join dissimilar metallurgically incompatible materials. The mere fact is that brazing does not involve any substantial melting of the base materials, offers several advantages over other welding processes. The present work is an effort to understand the brazing aspects of Inconel 718 and Ti-6Al-4V, brazed at 950ºC in a high temperature vacuum furnace using Ti15Cu15Ni (wt%) brazing filler.

Vacuum brazing was successfully performed between Inconel 718 and Ti-6Al-4V. The microstructure and phases present in the bonded joints were analyzed by means of Optical Metallography, Scanning Electron Microscope, Energy Dispersive Spectrometer analysis and Electron Micro Probe Analysis. Tensile lap-shear strength of brazed joints were evaluated in the as-brazed condition. A maximum of 84 MPa and a minimum of 47 MPa strength was achieved in the brazed joints.


Ti-6al-4v, Inconel 718, Vacuum Brazing, TiCuNi, Dissimilar Joint.
