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Study on Varability Between Dehusked Coconuts Using Principal Component Analysis

1 Department of Food and Agricultural Process Engineering, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore (T. N.), India

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Marketing of coconuts differs from that of other fresh fruits due to natural durability of coconuts, which are sold as fresh tender nuts as well as matured water nuts and dry nuts. Most widely indirect mode of disposal of coconuts is adopted by coconut farmers. In India mostly coconuts are segregated by manual inspection. This research concerns about grades of dehusked coconut. Principal component analysis was done to find the principal components in the different grades of dehusked coconut. The result indicate that weight of nut, weight of fresh kernel and the major diameter of the coconut are principal components needed to grade the dehusked coconut.


Varability, Dehusked, Principal Component Analysis.
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  • Study on Varability Between Dehusked Coconuts Using Principal Component Analysis

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Asha Monicka
Department of Food and Agricultural Process Engineering, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore (T. N.), India
Department of Food and Agricultural Process Engineering, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore (T. N.), India
Department of Food and Agricultural Process Engineering, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore (T. N.), India


Marketing of coconuts differs from that of other fresh fruits due to natural durability of coconuts, which are sold as fresh tender nuts as well as matured water nuts and dry nuts. Most widely indirect mode of disposal of coconuts is adopted by coconut farmers. In India mostly coconuts are segregated by manual inspection. This research concerns about grades of dehusked coconut. Principal component analysis was done to find the principal components in the different grades of dehusked coconut. The result indicate that weight of nut, weight of fresh kernel and the major diameter of the coconut are principal components needed to grade the dehusked coconut.


Varability, Dehusked, Principal Component Analysis.
