Evaluation of Various Aqua Suspension Formulations of Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikoff) Sorokin
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Studies on evaluation of eleven aqua suspension formulations of entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium aniosopliae comprising 1) M.a.+ TW(0.5%) + CMC (0.5%) 2) M.a.+SFO(1.0%) + CMC(0.5%),3)M.a.+ SFO(1.0%)+HO(1.0%) 4) M.a.+ GNO(0.5%) + BA (2.0%),5) M.a.+ GNO(0.5%) + CMC(0.5%),6) M.a.+ GNO (0.5 %) + GH (0.5%), 7) M.a.+ GH (0.5%)+HO (1.0%), 8) Control (M.a.alone) were carried out. At 3 DAI, AS formulation with M.a.+GNO(0.5%)+CMC (0.5%) registered significantly highest (88.33%) surface coverage. The next promising formulations were M.a.+ SFO(1.0%) + CMC (0.5%) (78.33%),M.a.+ GNO (0.5%)+GH(0.5%) (56.67%) andM.a. + GH (0.5%) + HO (1.0%) (51.67%). Least (8.33%) growth of the fungus was recorded in M.a.+TW (0.5%)+CMC(0.5%); when, control recorded 30.0 per cent surface coverage. On 10 DAI, the differences (6.67 to 11.43g) for biomass production were significant. M.a. + SFO (1.0%)+CMC (0.5%) maintained its superiority over rest of the formulations by producing 11.43g biomass. However, it was at par with M.a.+SFO(1.0%)+HO(1.0) (11.10g). Maximum cfu count was observed inM.a.+SFO (1.0%)+ HO (1.0%) (2.33x109). However, it was at par withM.a.+SFO (1.0%) + CMC (0.5%) (2.27x109). The least (30.0%, 6.67g and 17.672x108 cfu/ml) surface coverage biomass and cfu count were recorded in control i.e. the formulation (M.a.alone), respectively. In case of bioefficacy of various formulations against larvae of Spodoptera litura, the formulation with M.a.+ SFO (1.0%) + HO(1.0%) registered significantly highest mortality of 80.00 and 73.33 per cent of II and III instar larvae of S.litura.
Metarhizium aniosopliae, Media, Yeast Extract, Biomass, Colony Forming Unit, Spodoptera litura.
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