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Exploration of Fungicides against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Ciceri (Padwick) Snyder and Hansen Causing Wilt of Chickpea
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Six systemic, six non-systemic and contact fungicides were evaluated, in vitro against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri; however, the percentage mycelial growth inhibition was found to be increased with increase in concentrations of the test fungicides. All the systemic, non-systemic and contact fungicides tested, however, among the systemic fungicides, carbendazim, carboxin and benomyl and among non-systemic and contact fungicides, carbendazim + mancozeb, benomyl+ thiram and carbendazim + thiram were found inhibit the growth of the test pathogen completely .
Systemic Fungicides, Non-Systemic Fungicides, Contact Fungicides.
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