Yield and Economics of Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) Influenced by Mulching, Spacing and Intercropping with Green Gram (Vigna radiata)
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An experiment was conducted during Kharif season of 2011-12 to study from results concluded that maximum fresh rhizome yield of 210.0 q/ha obtained where turmeric sown as sole (T2) and it was at par with T11 where green gram was intercropped. The maximum net return (Rs. 1,46,942) per hectare was obtained in T11 (30 cm inter row spacing) and it was followed by T10 (Rs. 1,16,080) when turmeric and green gram (37.5 cm inter row spacing in turmeric) intercropping with mulching. Mulching produced higher net return Rs. 1, 25,125 in turmeric sole with mulching as compared with Rs. 1,08,720 in turmeric sole without mulching. Highest B:C ratio 3.91 obtained in (T2) turmeric sole with mulching than (T1) turmeric sole without mulching. B:C ratio 3.44 obtained in T11 (where green gram was sown in between turmeric rows) and it was closely followed the 3.91 and 3.58 with and without mulching. Mulching increase the B:C ratio as compared to unmulched treatment. Higher turmeric equivalent yield (253.3 q ha-1) obtained in T11 (where intercropping of green gram in between turmeric rows at 30 cm inter row spacing). Mulch application increases the land equivalent ratio as compared to without mulching. Higher LER (2.0) was obtained in T11 (where 30 cm inter row spacing in turmeric) and it was followed by T9, T7, T8, T10, T5, T6, T3, T4, T2 treatments.
Turmeric, Mulching, Economics, B:C Ratio, Returns.
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