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Economics of tur Production in Amravati district

1 Shri Shivaji Agriculture College, Amravati (M.S.), India
2 Department of Agricultural Economics and Statistics, Shri Shivaji Agriculture College, Amravati (M.S.), India

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In this study, an attempt has been made to study the "analysis of yield gap in tur in Amravati district" with view to work out the economics tur production and resource use efficiency. The study was based on primary data on input used and there upon costs was collected from two tahsils viz., Amravati and Nandgoan khandeshwar from two tahsils 45 samples were selected. Per hectare input utilization for tur indicated that the medium farmers were used higher inputs as compared to other farm size group of farmers. Per hectare total cost of cultivation of tur for the sample as whole was Rs. 43118.82 per hectore. Gross retuns from tur at overall level was Rs.71349.48. The input-Output ratio at overall size cost 'C' was 1.65. for the study resource use efficiency of tur, Cobb-Douglas production function was used. In the overall group resources human labour, bullock labour, machine labour, fertilizer, plant protection and area were significant. Marginal value of product to factor cost ratio at overall group in case of human labour, machine labour, fertilizer was positive and bullock labour, seeds, manure, plant protection are negative. Marginal physical product to factor cost ratio indicates the change in total physical product to the change in input level of particular independent variable.


Cost of Cultivation, Gross Return, Resourse use Efficiency, Tur.
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  • Economics of tur Production in Amravati district

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S. K. Kharat
Shri Shivaji Agriculture College, Amravati (M.S.), India
D. H. Ulemale
Department of Agricultural Economics and Statistics, Shri Shivaji Agriculture College, Amravati (M.S.), India
S. N. Ingle
Shri Shivaji Agriculture College, Amravati (M.S.), India


In this study, an attempt has been made to study the "analysis of yield gap in tur in Amravati district" with view to work out the economics tur production and resource use efficiency. The study was based on primary data on input used and there upon costs was collected from two tahsils viz., Amravati and Nandgoan khandeshwar from two tahsils 45 samples were selected. Per hectare input utilization for tur indicated that the medium farmers were used higher inputs as compared to other farm size group of farmers. Per hectare total cost of cultivation of tur for the sample as whole was Rs. 43118.82 per hectore. Gross retuns from tur at overall level was Rs.71349.48. The input-Output ratio at overall size cost 'C' was 1.65. for the study resource use efficiency of tur, Cobb-Douglas production function was used. In the overall group resources human labour, bullock labour, machine labour, fertilizer, plant protection and area were significant. Marginal value of product to factor cost ratio at overall group in case of human labour, machine labour, fertilizer was positive and bullock labour, seeds, manure, plant protection are negative. Marginal physical product to factor cost ratio indicates the change in total physical product to the change in input level of particular independent variable.


Cost of Cultivation, Gross Return, Resourse use Efficiency, Tur.
