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Study of Digital Marketing Effectiveness for Star Category Classified Hotels in India

1 Research Scholar (Ph.D. Reg No. GL 3769), Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India
2 Associate Professor, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India
3 Associate Professor, ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad, India

The goal of this paper is to find out digital marketing effectiveness for star category hotels in India which are classified by Hotel and Restaurant Approval & Classification Committee (HRACC), Ministry of Tourism, Government of India (GoI). Extensive literature review are the founding pillars upon which this research-based study has been framed followed by categorising few research papers which have earlier examined related works in India/abroad. Findings of literature reviewed in the paper are that digital marketing is quite effective for 3 star and above category hotels in India. Optimal utilisation is the key factor. This research work is based only out of similar research works of the past and no empirical has been done. The findings of this study may be applicable to the star category or equivalent hotels in India or may be abroad. The outcomes cannot be related to other subsectors of the Hospitality industry or other constituents of wider Travel and tourism sector. The results of this study may surely help the hotel marketers to know the effectiveness of important digital marketing tools for hotels and use them strategically. It would also encourage more scholars and researchers from academia and hospitality industry to go about doing digital marketing studies exclusively for hotels in India. The value of the study is for its contribution to how digital marketing team can effectively optimise digital marketing strategies for Indian hotels. Due to the limited numbers of related papers exclusively written specifically pertaining to digital marketing for Indian hotels, the researchers have tried to examine research works of other researchers across the globe.


Effectiveness, Digital Marketing, Indian Hotels & HRACC.
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  • Study of Digital Marketing Effectiveness for Star Category Classified Hotels in India

Abstract Views: 600  |  PDF Views: 371


Amol Kumar
Research Scholar (Ph.D. Reg No. GL 3769), Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India
Asif Ali Syed
Associate Professor, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India
Ajay Singh
Associate Professor, ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad, India


The goal of this paper is to find out digital marketing effectiveness for star category hotels in India which are classified by Hotel and Restaurant Approval & Classification Committee (HRACC), Ministry of Tourism, Government of India (GoI). Extensive literature review are the founding pillars upon which this research-based study has been framed followed by categorising few research papers which have earlier examined related works in India/abroad. Findings of literature reviewed in the paper are that digital marketing is quite effective for 3 star and above category hotels in India. Optimal utilisation is the key factor. This research work is based only out of similar research works of the past and no empirical has been done. The findings of this study may be applicable to the star category or equivalent hotels in India or may be abroad. The outcomes cannot be related to other subsectors of the Hospitality industry or other constituents of wider Travel and tourism sector. The results of this study may surely help the hotel marketers to know the effectiveness of important digital marketing tools for hotels and use them strategically. It would also encourage more scholars and researchers from academia and hospitality industry to go about doing digital marketing studies exclusively for hotels in India. The value of the study is for its contribution to how digital marketing team can effectively optimise digital marketing strategies for Indian hotels. Due to the limited numbers of related papers exclusively written specifically pertaining to digital marketing for Indian hotels, the researchers have tried to examine research works of other researchers across the globe.


Effectiveness, Digital Marketing, Indian Hotels & HRACC.
