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A Novel Approach in Symmetric Key Image Encryption Using Genetic Algorithm

1 Nayagram Bani Bidyapith, Nayagram, India
2 Kalyani Government Engineering College, Dept.of Information Tech., Kalyani, Nadia, India

In this paper, a symmetric key image encryption algorithm has been proposed based on genetic algorithm. The algorithm has three steps, generation of random sequence, diffused image and image encryption. Key generation is based on a new integer sequence generation and a mixing process. The random integer sequence has been generated from 64 bits key and mixing. The input image has been diffused by genetic algorithm and parents have been selected from image folding. The encrypted image is formed after performing logical operation between diffused image and random sequenence. The effectiveness of the algorithm has been measured by applying number of statistical tests between plain and encrypted image.It has been observed that the proposed algorithm is giving satisfactory result in all cases.


Symmetric Key, Genetic Algorithm, Horizontal and Vertical Folding, Remainder Set and Security Level.
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  • A Novel Approach in Symmetric Key Image Encryption Using Genetic Algorithm

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Subhajit Das
Nayagram Bani Bidyapith, Nayagram, India
Satyendra Nath Mandal
Kalyani Government Engineering College, Dept.of Information Tech., Kalyani, Nadia, India


In this paper, a symmetric key image encryption algorithm has been proposed based on genetic algorithm. The algorithm has three steps, generation of random sequence, diffused image and image encryption. Key generation is based on a new integer sequence generation and a mixing process. The random integer sequence has been generated from 64 bits key and mixing. The input image has been diffused by genetic algorithm and parents have been selected from image folding. The encrypted image is formed after performing logical operation between diffused image and random sequenence. The effectiveness of the algorithm has been measured by applying number of statistical tests between plain and encrypted image.It has been observed that the proposed algorithm is giving satisfactory result in all cases.


Symmetric Key, Genetic Algorithm, Horizontal and Vertical Folding, Remainder Set and Security Level.
