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Objectives: To study the role of autologous bone marrow in healing chronic diabetic wound And to evaluate the cost effectiveness

Methods: Autologous Bone Marrow aspirated under spinal anaesthesia and Bone Marrow-total nucleated cells were separated and concentrated. 100 mL peripheral blood were taken and platelets and fibrin glue were prepared according to standard procedures. Then it was locally applied and regular dressing done. Pt was followed for six weeks, with assessing the wound every week.

Results: 35 patients were studied and 3 patients had complete closure of the wound. One patient did not show significant improvement. Rest all the patients had significant reduction of wound size after 6 weeks.

Conclusion: Patients treated with autologus bone marrow cells, platelets, fibrin glue and collegan matrix did show significant reduction in the wound size. Use of these components was safe and effective and this treatment had been cost effective.


Bone Marrow, Platelets, Fibrin Glue, Collegan Matrix.
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