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Kota Kinabalu Indonesian School in Management 9 Years of Basic Education in Sabah

1 University of Padjadjaran, Indonesia

The mandate contained in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution which is one of the purposes mentioned "intellectual life of the nation". Education services in Indonesia are divided into 3 major sections, namely primary education, secondary education and higher education. The implementation of basic education should be more of a concern to the government because it acts as a foundation. This is stipulated in the 1945 Constitution Article 31 paragraph 1 and 2, which mentions that every citizen has the right of the state to be entitled to education and every citizen must follow basic education and the government must finance it. Until the year 2010 schools are still active and operating there are 14 SILN (Indonesian School of Foreign Affairs), One of them through the establishment of the School of Indonesia Kota Kinabalu (SIKK). Commitment to provide educational services for children of school age in Sabah. In order to carry out its operational activities, funds received and managed by SIKK to provide education services in Sabah and Sarawak are large, channeling funds to each CLC still using cash transactions. SIKK's organizational management is no longer intended for only one school, but it accommodates all the existing school branches (CLC). Based on the background, the question of this research is how SIKK in the management of 9 Years Basic Education in Sabah.


Kinabalu, Education, SIKK.

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  • Kota Kinabalu Indonesian School in Management 9 Years of Basic Education in Sabah

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Budiman Rusli
University of Padjadjaran, Indonesia
Tora Akadira
University of Padjadjaran, Indonesia


The mandate contained in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution which is one of the purposes mentioned "intellectual life of the nation". Education services in Indonesia are divided into 3 major sections, namely primary education, secondary education and higher education. The implementation of basic education should be more of a concern to the government because it acts as a foundation. This is stipulated in the 1945 Constitution Article 31 paragraph 1 and 2, which mentions that every citizen has the right of the state to be entitled to education and every citizen must follow basic education and the government must finance it. Until the year 2010 schools are still active and operating there are 14 SILN (Indonesian School of Foreign Affairs), One of them through the establishment of the School of Indonesia Kota Kinabalu (SIKK). Commitment to provide educational services for children of school age in Sabah. In order to carry out its operational activities, funds received and managed by SIKK to provide education services in Sabah and Sarawak are large, channeling funds to each CLC still using cash transactions. SIKK's organizational management is no longer intended for only one school, but it accommodates all the existing school branches (CLC). Based on the background, the question of this research is how SIKK in the management of 9 Years Basic Education in Sabah.


Kinabalu, Education, SIKK.
