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Objectives: To maximize data dissemination success probability in an average sense when the size of local data storage is limited and wireless connectivity is stochastically unknown.

Methods: Vehicle Ad-hoc Networks (VANET) is an emerging technology which obtains the attention of the academic institutions and industries. The vehicular communications (VC) enhance the security and the efficiency of supplying and transportation systems. The base of the communication is Data dissemination which plays a vital role in VANET system. Various data dissemination technologies were developed for avoiding the issues such as data routing, vehicle mobility and network security.

Findings: In this paper, considered data dissemination problem and proposed data pre-fetching scheme based on Bayesian approach in order to maximize the data dissemination and for easy implementation and are more robust to delayed feedback, that is, when the rewards are not obtained instantly.

Application/Improvements: To increase the data dissemination success probability, to improve the network security and for Extra randomaization pre-fetching based Bayesian approach is proposed.


Vehicle Ad-Hoc Networks, Data Dissemination, Bayesian Approach, Thompson Sampling.