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Determinant Factors of Word of Mouth and its Implications on Revisit Intention of Tourism to Province of DKI Jakarta
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The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of destination branding, experiential marketing and tourism products on the tourism word of mouth and revisit intention. The populations in this study were tourists visiting tourism destinations to DKI Jakarta Province. The method used is descriptive and explanatory survey method with a sample size of 400 respondents, and the data analysis used is SEM (Structural Equation Modeling). The results of the study found that destination branding, experimental marketing and tourism products partially or simultaneously had a positive significant effect on word of mouth with a contribution of 73%. Destination branding, tourism products and word of mouth partially or simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on revisit intention with contributions of 85%. Based on the results can be recommended some suggestions include: needs to be done further research for know the variables are more dominant influence WOM and revisit intention, the Government needs consider other factors affect revisit intention, and consider WOM that allow tourists to reach the more level revisit intention
Destination Branding, Experimental Marketing, Tourism Products, Word of Mouth, Revisit Intention
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