The Role of Event Marketing in Entrepreneurship Development of Firms in Hospitality Industry
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This work aimed at investigating and analyzing event marking in order to determine the degree to which it affects the growth of entrepreneurship in Nigeria. To this end, three hypotheses have been established as a guide for reviewing the relevant literature. The data for this analysis were obtained from primary sources (questionnaire) 600 copies where distributed to registered companies in the hospitality industry in Nigeria, 386 were completed and retrieved successfully. The provided hypotheses were tested using descriptive and inferential statistical instruments. After analyzing the hypotheses, our findings showed that event marketing had a positive effect on the growth of entrepreneurship. On the basis of the result, it has been suggested that the government assist its people in it policies by prioritizing entrepreneurship in events. This research offered theoretical implications for promoting events as a hospitality product for successful services delivery and customer loyalty in the hospitality sector. This study proposed more work on event marketing in order countries with a view to generalizing the findings and for proper economic diversification.
Event Marketing, Entrepreneurship Development, Entrepreneurship Theories, Tourism
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