How to Make Them Coming Back? - Study on Indonesian Event Visitor’s Behavior
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Countless companies for marketing its products have done Event marketing multiple times. This is an effective strategy in marketing communication because it engages consumers by creating a good experience at the event hence they have positive feelings for the products and ended by purchasing them. This research aims to discover strategies that can increase the intention to revisit an event by trying to fill the conceptual gap in previous studies about the intention to revisit, satisfaction, event image, visitor experience, and events cape. About 263 analyzable questionnaires were gathered from the Honda ADV 150 Motor Launching event at The Park Mall Solo Baru by using Analysis of Moment Structure-Structural Equation Models to reveal the relationship among the conceptual variables. Results reveal that the program, facility, and staff of the events cape positively and significantly influence the visitor experience. Moreover, visitor experience significantly elevating the forming of destination image and satisfaction, also adding visitors’ satisfaction by the destination image. Besides, satisfaction significantly increases the intention to revisit. This research results contribute to recognizing the behavior of event visitors. Managerial implications and future research directions for marketing events are presented
Event-marketing, Events Cape, Visitor Experience, Event Image, Intention to Revisit
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