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The Effect of Personal Motivations on Segments Traveling Domestic Tourism in Saudi Arabia: Abha Destination

1 Assistant Professor, Jazan University, Faculty Business Administration, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Saudi Arabia

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The significance of inbound tourism has drawn to illustrate the motives behind domestic tourists’ travels. Underlying the tourists’ motivation is one of critical issues in tourism field. The main objective of this study is to identify the motives of Saudi tourist’s to visit Abha, and to know the characteristics of demographic profile, travel dimension of Saudi tourist who visit the destination. The objective of this study is to make survey in order to gather data from respondents in the destination. The study identifies four major motivations for Saudi tourists’ to visit Abha: “practicing activities”, “relaxation”, “discovering knowledge”, and “escape routine”. As tourism sector is the most significant in Saudi Arabia based on 2030 vision, it can be assumed that the results of this study has major managerial implications as an underlying of main travel motives of Saudi tourists to Abha which make destination designers be able to make decision in the country to create positioning competitive tourism destination in future. Finally, the results of this study provide some empirical support theory on travel motivation.


Travel Motivation, Segmentation, Saudi, Domestic Tourism
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  • The Effect of Personal Motivations on Segments Traveling Domestic Tourism in Saudi Arabia: Abha Destination

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Bashar Aref Alhaj Mohammad
Assistant Professor, Jazan University, Faculty Business Administration, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Saudi Arabia


The significance of inbound tourism has drawn to illustrate the motives behind domestic tourists’ travels. Underlying the tourists’ motivation is one of critical issues in tourism field. The main objective of this study is to identify the motives of Saudi tourist’s to visit Abha, and to know the characteristics of demographic profile, travel dimension of Saudi tourist who visit the destination. The objective of this study is to make survey in order to gather data from respondents in the destination. The study identifies four major motivations for Saudi tourists’ to visit Abha: “practicing activities”, “relaxation”, “discovering knowledge”, and “escape routine”. As tourism sector is the most significant in Saudi Arabia based on 2030 vision, it can be assumed that the results of this study has major managerial implications as an underlying of main travel motives of Saudi tourists to Abha which make destination designers be able to make decision in the country to create positioning competitive tourism destination in future. Finally, the results of this study provide some empirical support theory on travel motivation.


Travel Motivation, Segmentation, Saudi, Domestic Tourism
