Reterospective Analysis of Complications of Cesarean Section in Rural Western U.P.
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Cesarean section(CS) is the most commonly performed obstetric surgical procedure throughout the world. Usually this is a life saving procedure for both mother as well as new born baby, but it also have some complications, related to both surgical and anaesthetical.
Aims & objectives
To evaluate different complications encountered during and after cesarean section within a period of 10 years at LSRH&SIMS and its management.
Materials & methods
An analysis of 8550 patients was done at LSRH&SIMS during 2000-2009. The patients who underwent cesarean section whether it was elective or emergency, cases booked or unbooked, done for various indications constituted the subject of study. The patients were analysed with respect to types of maternal morbidity encountered.
In our study, we analysed 8550 deliveries during 2000 to2009, out of which 22% of patients were subjected for CS. Out of 22% of CS, 86.6% patients were operated as emergency and 13.3% as elective section. In present study, minor&major morbidity were seen in 33.3% of cases. Rest of the patients recovered without any problem in postoperative period.
In present study, incidence of CS was 22%. Most common indication for CS was foetal distress, followed by previous CS, prolonged labour, malpresentation&APH, etc. Incidence of maternal morbidity in this study was 33.3 %.
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