Life Orientation, Life Satisfaction and Well-being among School Teachers during COVID Pandemic
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Previous researches have positioned well-being as an integral variable of mental health correlated with other factors like satisfaction with life and life orientation. The present research examines well-being, life satisfaction, and orientation towards life among teachers during COVID-19. During the initial phases of COVID-19, the Government imposed lockdown in the month of May-June (2020). This led to the closure of all the schools and colleges, offices, public places, etc. Although the schools were closed, staff and teachers of the schools were asked to perform tasks which included the distribution of ration, home surveys, shift- work at hospitals, airports, shelter homes, etc. With an increasing rate of infections and mortality, the teachers were hesitant to volunteer for any COVID duty and were generally apprehensive about being called up for such duties. In this research, 364 school teachers (both male & female of 27-60 years) were included as an inclusive sample of those performing and not performing any such duty from Delhi, India. The present research aims to understand the dynamics of well-being among teachers during COVID. It utilizes measures of the Life Orientation Test-revised (LOT-R), Satisfaction towards Life Scale (SWLS), and Warwick-Edinburg Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS). Correlation and multiple regression are used as statistical measures to find out the relationship and predictability among the variables. Results show a significant relationship among Life orientation, life satisfaction and well-being and well- being is significantly predicted by life satisfaction and orientation towards life. Discussion suggests that similar results are being observed among variables under consideration amid COVID and future implications are drawn out from the present study.
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