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Indian Forester Vol 34, No 8 (1908) Sterling Pensions for the Inperial Forest Service Abstract
Indian Forester Vol 94, No 8 (1968) Steroid Sapogenin-bearing Plants of India Abstract
I. C. Chopra, L. D. Kapoor
The Indian Practitioner Vol 26, No 3 (1973) Steroid Tolbutamide Test in Hepatic Diseases Abstract
D. K. Bhargava, Pitambar Dayal, S. K. Sharma, Ashok Kumar, I. C. Sogani
The Indian Practitioner Vol 33, No 10 (1980) Steroids in Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation-Case Report Abstract
C. J . Mistry, Varsha Patel, Wiqar Shaikh
Indian Forester Vol 64, No 4 (1938) Steroscopic Mapping with Multiplex Projector Abstract
Current Science Vol 121, No 5 (2021) Steven Weinberg (1933–2021) Abstract   PDF
Rohini M. Godbole, Urjit Yajnik
The Indian Practitioner Vol 24, No 10 (1971) Stevens Johnson Syndronle Induced by Thiacetazone Abstract
M. P. Ravindranathan
International Journal of Advances in Nursing Management Vol 3, No 2 (2015) Stevens-Johnson Syndrome/Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis in Pediatric Abstract
Vinod V. Bagilkar
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Health Care Vol 8, No 1 (2016) Stevia : A True Glycoside Used as a Sweetener and Not Affecting Behavior Abstract   PDF
Marie-Claire Cammaerts, Axel Dero, Roger Cammaerts
Current Science Vol 125, No 4 (2023) STI Ecosystem for Atmanirbhar Bharat Abstract   PDF
Narottam Sahoo, Poonam Bhargava
The Indian Practitioner Vol 71, No 10 (2018) Sti/stds in Adolescents: Prevalence, Consequences, Causes & Diagnosis Abstract
Pradnya Tambe, Jayashree Joshi
Indian Forester Vol 17, No 12 (1891) Stick Making Abstract
J. C. McD
ANVESHAK-International Journal of Management Vol 4, No 1 (2015) Stifling Trade Policy, Case of Nigeria and the Infant Industry Argument: A Review Article Abstract
Camden Bowman, Kishore G. Kulkarni
Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing Vol 2, No 2 (2011) Stigma-devaluation Scale (SDS), for Caregivers of the Mentally Ill in Goa: Konkani Translation (roman Script) and Cultural Adaptation Abstract
Jennie Mendes
Current Science Vol 118, No 6 (2020) Stigmasterol-3-O-Glucoside, An Allelopathic Molecule Responsible For Pest Resistance of Thenkaali (AAB), a Musa Cultivar against Odoiporus longicollis [Olivier] Abstract   PDF
K. J. Kavitha, J. Anil John, D. A. Evans
The Indian Practitioner Vol 68, No 12 (2015) Still Fighting against Tropical Diseases in the 21st Century! Dengue - A Concern during Pregnancy Especially in Working Women Abstract
S. K. Juneja, P. Tandon, R. Mahajan, A. Singh, S. Kaushal
Indian Forester Vol 60, No 5 (1934) Still Simpler Control Forms Abstract
E. A. Smythies
Wireless Communication Vol 5, No 9 (2013) Stimulate and Investigate the Performance of IPTV (VoD) Over WiMax Using Opnet Abstract
Gurmeet Singh, Amit Grover
International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research Vol 3, No 2 (2017) Stimulating Children to Secure their Rights through Education in Ethiopia of Africa Abstract
A. H. Faizee
Biometrics and Bioinformatics Vol 9, No 1 (2017) Stimulation of Plant Growth in Hydroponics using Nutrient Film Technology and Report Generation using Orange Data Mining Tool Abstract
R. Madhumathi, R. Dharshana, P. Harini
Artificial Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning Vol 4, No 8 (2012) Stochastic Analysis and Maintenance Planning of Turbine Unit in a Thermal Power Plant Abstract
A. Ravinder Kumar
Indian Journal of Finance Vol 2, No 5 (2008) Stochastic Dependence in Indian Capital Markets: A Fractal Analysis of the CNX Information Technology Index Abstract
Robert F. Mulligan, Debasish Banerjee
International Journal of Advanced Networking and Applications Vol 11, No 3 (2019) Stochastic Dynamic Programming in DASH Abstract   PDF
Koffka Khan, Wayne Goodridge
Artha Vijnana: Journal of The Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics Vol 41, No 1 (1999) Stochastic Forecasting of Denominational Requirement and Replacement of Currency in India Abstract
R. N. Mishra, A. Verma, J. K. Sinha
Journal of Information and Knowledge (Formerly SRELS Journal of Information Management) Vol 45, No 4 (2008) Stochastic Model for the Electronic Access of an Article Abstract
B. Asha
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