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The Indian Practitioner Vol 32, No 12 (1979) Treatment of Gonorrhoea with Intramuscular Oxytetracycline (Terramycin) Abstract
A. K. Sharma
Indian Forester Vol 134, No 7 (2008) Treatment of Green Round Bamboos with and without Boring by Pressure Treatment and Alternate Pressure Method (APM) Abstract
Ram Lal, Ajmal Samani, Sadhna Tripathi
The Indian Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics Vol 6, No 2 (1969) Treatment of Hyper-Thyroidism with Radioactive Iodine Abstract
Kamala Krishnaswamy
Indian Forester Vol 77, No 11 (1951) Treatment of Indian Timbers for Pencils and Hand Tools for Pencil Making Abstract
M. A. Rehman, Jai Kishen
Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Vol 14, No 1 (2020) Treatment of Induced Lead Toxicity by using DMSA in Puppies Abstract
Omar-Althani Shareef Saed, S. M. A. AL-Kubaisi, Jassim Mohamed Suleiman, Mustafa Salah Hasan
The Indian Practitioner Vol 33, No 4 (1980) Treatment of Intestinal Amoebiasis with A New Antiamoebic Regimen : Entamizole Abstract
D. S. Singh, Joseph Joy
The Indian Practitioner Vol 32, No 2 (1979) Treatment of Mental Diseases Abstract
D. M. Dhavale
The Indian Practitioner Vol 29, No 7 (1976) Treatment of Naso-Bronchial Allergy Abstract
D. N. Shivpuri
Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology Vol 12, No 5 (2019) Treatment of Oil Refinery Waste Water Simultaneously with Bioelectricity Production in Mediator-Less Microbial Fuel Cell using Native Gram Positive Bacillus Sp. Abstract
Reena Meshram, Shailesh Kumar Jadhav
Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology Vol 12, No 4 (2019) Treatment of Oil Refinery Wastewater Simultaneously with Bioelectricity Production in Mediator-Less Microbial Fuel Cell using Native Gram Positive Bacillus Sp. Abstract
Reena Meshram, Shailesh Kumar Jadhav
Indian Forester Vol 1, No 2 (1875) Treatment of Ornamental Trees Abstract
T. F. P.
The Indian Practitioner Vol 33, No 8 (1980) Treatment of Parkinson's Disease with Madopar (L-Dopa and Decarboxylase Inhibitor, Benserazide) - A Clinical Study Abstract
M. B. Bhattacharyya, A. K. Banerjee
Artha Vijnana: Journal of The Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics Vol 25, No 4 (1983) Treatment of Poverty in the Sixth Plan Abstract
M. H. Suryanarayana
Indian Forester Vol 47, No 4 (1921) Treatment of Seeds Details
Toxicology International (Formerly Indian Journal of Toxicology) Vol 16, No 2 (2009) Treatment of sewage waste water using water hyacinth - Eichhornia sp and its reuse for fish culture Abstract
S. Jamuna, Noorjahan C. M.
The Indian Practitioner Vol 29, No 11 (1976) Treatment of Skin Diseases Abstract
Gurmohan Singh
Indian Science Cruiser Vol 27, No 3 (2013) Treatment of Spring Water Through Slow Sand Filtration - A Simple Cost Effective Technique Abstract
Subrata Halder
Indian Forester Vol 45, No 10 (1919) Treatment of Teak Forests in the C. P. Abstract
C. M. Harlow
Indian Forester Vol 67, No 8 (1941) Treatment of Teak Plantations Abstract
Indian Forester Vol 61, No 8 (1935) Treatment of Teak Seed before Sowing in Taungyas Abstract
R. W. V. Palmer
Indian Forester Vol 29, No 1 (1903) Treatment of the Sandal Tree Abstract
D. Brandis, K. C. I. E. , F. R. S.
The Indian Practitioner Vol 27, No 10 (1974) Treatment of Uncomplicated Urinary Infections in Children Abstract
V. K. Agarwal, R. C. Pandey, Saroj Arora
Artha Vijnana: Journal of The Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics Vol 35, No 1 (1993) Treatment of Uncultivated Land Under Watershed Development Approach : Institutional and Economic Aspects Abstract
R. S. Deshpande, S. R. Nikumbh
Indian Forester Vol 19, No 9 (1893) Treatment of Waste Lands in the Low Countries Abstract
Current Science Vol 111, No 3 (2016) Treatment of Wastewater Containing Volatile Organics Using Hollow Fibre PDMS-Polysulfone Membrane System:Recovery of Organics and Water Reclamation Abstract   PDF
Bhavika H. Rajai, Ankit M. Kansara, Puyam S. Singh
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