Vol 66, No 10 (1940)

Table of Contents

Vol 66, No 10 (1940)

Open Access Open Access  Restricted Access Subscription Access


A Short Note on the Export Arrangements from the Forests in Sarda Valley
R. N. Brahmawar
 Vol 66, No 10 (1940), Pagination: 584-592
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Translation of Technical Forestry Terms in Indian Languages
K. P. Sagreiya
 Vol 66, No 10 (1940), Pagination: 593-600
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The Propagation of Bombax Malabaricum from Root-Sections
S. P. Sahi
 Vol 66, No 10 (1940), Pagination: 601-602
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When will that Day Come
S. Rangaswami
 Vol 66, No 10 (1940), Pagination: 603-604
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On Certain Unknown Plants from Afghanistan
S. A. Akhtar
 Vol 66, No 10 (1940), Pagination: 605-606
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Reviews And Abstracts

Filth Flies, the Fauna of British India, Diptera VI, Calliphoridae
C. F. C. B.
 Vol 66, No 10 (1940), Pagination: 614-614
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The Possibility of Close Co-operstion for Mutual Benefit between Agriculture and Forestry in the American Tropics
L. R. Holdridge
 Vol 66, No 10 (1940), Pagination: 630-636
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Wood Preservation
 Vol 66, No 10 (1940), Pagination: 637-637
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Indian Wild Life
 Vol 66, No 10 (1940), Pagination: 638-638
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