Vol 132, No 2 (2006)

Table of Contents

Vol 132, No 2 (2006)

Open Access Open Access  Restricted Access Subscription Access


Environmental Auditing in Ecotourism : A Study on Visitors' Management in Van Vihar National Park, Bhopal, M.P. (India)
A. K. Bhattacharya, Vandana Saksena, Suchitra Banerjee
 Vol 132, No 2 (2006), Pagination: 139-148
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Seed Source Variation in Black Siris (Albizia lebbek Benth.)
R. K. Luna, S. Nautiyal, Rakesh Kumar
 Vol 132, No 2 (2006), Pagination: 149-155
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Plant Community Composition and Species Diversity in the Alpine Meadows of Uttaranchal Himalayas
Chandra Prakash Kala
 Vol 132, No 2 (2006), Pagination: 156-164
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Vegetation Characteristics of Tropical Forests of Andaman Islands
K. P. Tripathi, Shanta Mehrotra, P. Pushpangadan
 Vol 132, No 2 (2006), Pagination: 165-180
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Forest Land Use Planning for Dharhara Range, Monghyr Forest Division (Bihar)
Ramesh Kumar Jha, Ravindra Kumar Pandey, Gopal Ram Sharma
 Vol 132, No 2 (2006), Pagination: 181-187
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Diagnostic Importance of Crystals in Woods of Family Anacardiaceae
Sangeeta Gupta, Manisha Agarwal
 Vol 132, No 2 (2006), Pagination: 188-196
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Development of Technique for Rapid Extraction of Seeds from Cones of Pinus roxburghii Sarg. Under Controlled Conditions
Dinesh Kumar, Shivendu K. Srivastava, Surender Singh Negi, Pradeep Kumar
 Vol 132, No 2 (2006), Pagination: 197-204
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Performance of Different Multipurpose Tree Species in Degraded Land of Satpura Region of Madhya Pradesh
D. L. Nandeshwar, A. Vijayaraghavan, Mamta Meshram
 Vol 132, No 2 (2006), Pagination: 205-210
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Effect of Micro Site Variations on the Phenological Studies of Himalayan Shrubs - Woodfordia, Carissa, Prinsepia and Debregeasia
Punam , Balbir Singh, Shivesh Sharma, Atul
 Vol 132, No 2 (2006), Pagination: 211-220
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Growth and Yield Prediction Models for Acacia auriculiformis Grown in the Plantations of Bangladesh
M. Shah Newaz, M. Kamaluddin
 Vol 132, No 2 (2006), Pagination: 221-228
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Memecylon royenii Blume (Melastomataceae) : A New Record for India
M. Rajendraprasad, S. L. Prathapan, A. G. Pandurangan, T. Shaju
 Vol 132, No 2 (2006), Pagination: 229-232
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Vascular Flora of Bala-Fort Forest in Alwar, Rajasthan
R. K. Yadav, Atar. S. Yadav
 Vol 132, No 2 (2006), Pagination: 233-238
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Inheritance Pattern of Infestation of Borer, Bruchus bilineatopygus Pic. (Coleoptera : Bruchidae), in Seeds of Albizia procera (Roxb.) Benth.
N. Roychoudhury, Pravin H. Chawhaan, K. C. Joshi, A. K. Mandal
 Vol 132, No 2 (2006), Pagination: 239-244
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Research Notes

Relative Efficacy of Newer Insecticides against Leaf Roller, Crypsipyta coclesalis Walker on Bamboo Seedlings
Vinod Kumar Garg, N. Kulkarni, P. B. Meshram
 Vol 132, No 2 (2006), Pagination: 245-247
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Comparative Efficacy of Chloropyriphos and Thiamethoxam against Insect Pests in Forest Nurseries
S. I. Ahmed, Shivesh Kumar, Sahadev Chouhan
 Vol 132, No 2 (2006), Pagination: 248-250
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Parasa lepida Cramer (Lepidoptera : Limacodidae) - Report of its New Host, Populus deltoides Bartr. In India
Shamila Kalia, R. B. Singh, Naina Joshi
 Vol 132, No 2 (2006), Pagination: 251-252
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Bodity Laxmikant Reddy
 Vol 132, No 2 (2006), Pagination: 264-264
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Forest Notes And Observations

Early Flowering in Achar (Buchnania lanzan) at Chhindwara (Madhya Pradesh)
D. L. Nandeshwar
 Vol 132, No 2 (2006), Pagination: 253-254
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Letters To The Editor

Flowering of Dendrocalamus hamiltonii in Mizoram
Ramachandra Laha
 Vol 132, No 2 (2006), Pagination: 263-263
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News and Notes

International Model Forest Network
Brian Bonnell, C. G. Kushalappa, Kodira. A. Kushalappa
 Vol 132, No 2 (2006), Pagination: 255-259
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