Vol 125, No 3 (1999)

Table of Contents

Vol 125, No 3 (1999)

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Improvement of Populus deltoides Bartr. Ex Marsh. in India - I. Present Status
Dinesh Kumar, N. B. Singh, G. S. Rawat, Shivendu Srivastava
 Vol 125, No 3 (1999), Pagination: 245-263
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Field Trials on Tissue Culture in Eucalyptus
R. N. Biswas, M. Karunakaran, A. R. Moon
 Vol 125, No 3 (1999), Pagination: 264-271
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Earthworm Bioindication of Forest Land Use Pattern
B. Behera, S. Giri, Nabin C. Dash, J. Sahu, B. K. Senapati
 Vol 125, No 3 (1999), Pagination: 272-281
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Tree Aerial Volume Models for Pinus roxburghii
R. A. Sharma
 Vol 125, No 3 (1999), Pagination: 282-284
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Use of a Model Aircraft for Rapid Low Cost Aerial Monitoring and Management of Forest Resources and Environment
Chinmaya Singh Rathore
 Vol 125, No 3 (1999), Pagination: 285-292
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Induction of Shoot Growth in Teak (Tectona grandis L. F.) During Dormancy Periods
G. Rajendrudu, C. V. Naidu
 Vol 125, No 3 (1999), Pagination: 293-300
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Evolution of Genetically Superior New Clones of Poplar (Populus deltoides) for Tarai Region
N. V. Singh, R. C. Sharma, C. B. Chhimwal
 Vol 125, No 3 (1999), Pagination: 301-304
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Tree Canopy Development in Young Plantations Raised on Coalmine Spoil Affects the Growth of Herbaceous Vegetation
Arvind Kumar Jha, Arvind Singh, A. N. Singh, J. S. Singh
 Vol 125, No 3 (1999), Pagination: 305-307
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Variation in Seed Characteristics in Provenances of Sandal (Santalum album L.)
H. C. Sindhuveerendra, S. Ramalakshmi, B. B. Mallesha
 Vol 125, No 3 (1999), Pagination: 308-312
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Studies on Foliar Diseases of Tree Legumes Caused by Cercosporaceous Fungi
M. Raghu Ram, K. V. Mallaiah
 Vol 125, No 3 (1999), Pagination: 313-315
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Rain Fall: a Major Factor Leading to Outbreak of Teak (Tectona grandis) Defoliator, Hyblaea puera Cramer (Lepidoptera : Hyblaeidae) in Commercial Teak Plantation
J. Loganathan, P. M. M. David
 Vol 125, No 3 (1999), Pagination: 316-320
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Enhancing Women's Role in the Biotechnological Utilization of Usar Soils
Seema Bhadauria, B. P. S. Chauhan, Archna Singh, Gautam Pahari, Sudhir Verma
 Vol 125, No 3 (1999), Pagination: 321-326
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From The Indian Forester- One Hundred Years Ago

The Production of Sandal-wood
 Vol 125, No 3 (1999), Pagination: 337-338
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Letters To The Editor

Tallest Chir Pine (Pinus roxburghii) Tree of Asia
H. B. Naithani, Sumer Chandra
 Vol 125, No 3 (1999), Pagination: 336-336
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Research Notes

Damping-off in Tecomella undulata - a New Disease from India
K. K. Srivastava, Neelam Verma, K. C. Jedia
 Vol 125, No 3 (1999), Pagination: 327-328
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Early Flowering and Seed Setting in Acacia mengium, Wild
P. K. Pande, A. K. Bisaria, A. K. Pandey
 Vol 125, No 3 (1999), Pagination: 329-330
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Propagation of Neem (Azadirachta indica) by Air Layering
K. Palanisamy
 Vol 125, No 3 (1999), Pagination: 331-332
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Evaluation of the Pollination Efficiency of Different Insects on Mango (Mangifera indica)
K. P. Singh
 Vol 125, No 3 (1999), Pagination: 333-335
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