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Vol 120, No 2 (1994) Effects of Indole Butyric Acid on Rooting of Air Layers of Arjun and Chebulic Myrobalan Abstract
K. K. Misra, H. R. Jaiswai
Vol 130, No 6 (2004) Effects of Microwave Modification on the Mechanical Properties of Pinus radiata Heartwood Abstract
Lawrence A. Woyemi
Vol 130, No 7 (2004) Effects of Microwave Modification on the Mechanical Properties of Pinus radiata Heartwood Abstract
Lawrence Awoyemi
Vol 130, No 3 (2004) Effects of Microwave Modification on the Swelling Properties of Pinus radiata Heartwood Abstract
Lawrence Awoyemi
Vol 128, No 3 (2002) Effects of Nitrogen and Rhizobium Inoculation Treatments on some Growth Parameters in Albizia lebbek (L). Benth Seedlings Abstract
Y. S. Chauhan, T. C. Pokhriyal
Vol 110, No 11 (1984) Effects of Nursery Density on Seedling Characteristics of Silver Fir (Abies pindrow Spach) Abstract
R. V. Singh, K. C. Sharma
Vol 18, No 3 (1892) Effects of Parasites on Trees Abstract
Vol 122, No 8 (1996) Effects of Phytohormones on Seeds and Seedlings of Cinnamomum camphora Abstract
Jagjeet Bhandari
Vol 108, No 1 (1982) Effects of Presowing Stratification of Seed of Pinus caribaea Var. Hondurensis on Germination Abstract
K. A. Madhwaraja
Vol 114, No 11 (1988) Effects of Removal of Pine (Pinus roxburghii) Needles from the Chir Pine forest Floor-A Preliminary Report Abstract
Balvinder Singh, K. G. Prasad, Pramod Kumar
Vol 141, No 4 (2015) Effects of Seed Treatments on Germination Behavior of Myrica nagi Thunb. - An Important MPT from Himalayan Region Abstract
Yourmila Kumari, D. P. Sharma, Milkuri Chiranjeeva Reddy
Vol 119, No 11 (1993) Effects of Size of Polythene Bags and Potting Mixtures on Survival and Growth of Silver Oak (Grevillea robusta Parker) Seedlings Abstract
K. K. Misra, R. R. Jaiswal
Vol 117, No 4 (1991) Effects of Slash-burning on Soil Properties, Weed Growth, Taungya Yield and Growth of Teak Abstract
K. C. Chacko, S. Sankar, R. C. Pandalai, U. N. Nandakumar
Vol 129, No 9 (2003) Effects of Soil on Sissoo (Dalbergia Sissoo, Roxb.) Growth in a Plantation Forest of Nepal Abstract
S. P. Sah, S. K. Upadhyay, P. Pandit, J. B. Lilles
Vol 127, No 4 (2001) Effects of some forest Tree Species on Soil Properties in Chittagong University Campus, Bangladesh Abstract
K. T. Osman, M. M. Rahman, P. Barua
Vol 109, No 1 (1983) Effects of Spacing and Thinnings in Casuarina Stands Abstract
S. P. Singh, R. S. Sharma, R. C. Jain
Vol 26, No 10 (1900) Effects of the Late Drought in the Chanda District Abstract
A. G. Lowrie
Vol 133, No 6 (2007) Effects of Thinning Intensity on Growth of 27-year-old Slash Pine (Pinus elliottii) in Northern Iran Abstract
Amir Bonyad
Vol 132, No 5 (2006) Effects of Two Combinations of Multi-purpose Species Plantations on Imperata cylindrica in Restoring Site, Northern Thailand Abstract
Puangpaka Kaewkrom, Jiragorn Gajaseni
Vol 116, No 12 (1990) Efffct of Stik and Ga, on Vegetative Propagation in Stem-cuttings of Vitex nigundo Linn. during Winter Abstract
Hemant K. Badola, Arun K. Badoni
Vol 136, No 9 (2010) Efficacy Evaluation of Lantana camara for Bamboo Protection Abstract
Anshul Chandra, N. S. K. Harsh, Sadhna Tripathi, S. T. S. Lepcha
Vol 135, No 11 (2009) Efficacy of Actara - 25 WSG (Thiamethoxam) against Termites in the Laboratory Abstract
R. K. Thakur
Vol 95, No 6 (1969) Efficacy of Arsenical Herbicides and their Doses on the Control of Aristida Species Abstract
K. V. Bondale, H. S. Daulay
Vol 123, No 12 (1997) Efficacy of Bioasp and Biolep - a Microbial Insecticide against Teak Skeletonizer, Eutectona machaeralis Walk Abstract
P. B. Meshram, A. K. Bisaria, Shamila Kalia
Vol 137, No 2 (2011) Efficacy of Chloropicrin Against Wood Decaying Fungi In-vitro Abstract
Himani Pant, Sadhna Tripathi
Vol 121, No 7 (1995) Efficacy of Different Rhizobium Strains of Forest Trees Species on Albizia lebbek Abstract
Jamaluddin V. S. Dadwal, J. S. Chouhan
Vol 110, No 4 (1984) Efficacy of Egg Parasite, Trichogramma Spp. in Parasitising the Eggs of the Teak Skeletonizer, Pyrausta machaeralis Walker (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae) Abstract
B. V. Patil, T. S. Thontadarya
Vol 142, No 3 (2016) Efficacy of Extracts of Tagetes Minuta Against Poplar Defoliator- Clostera cupreata (lepidoptera: Notodontidae) Abstract
K. P. Singh, M. Yousuf
Vol 115, No 2 (1989) Efficacy of Monocrotophos Against Ailanthus Webworm, Atteva fabriciella Swed. (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) Abstract
P. B. Meshram, Jamaluddin
Vol 121, No 11 (1995) Efficacy of Neem Seed Oil against the Babul Whitefly Acaudaleyrodes rachipora (Singh) (Aleyrodidae: Homoptera) Abstract
R. Sundararaj, S. Murugesan, R. N. Mishra
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