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Background/Objectives: The article studies the definition of structural appearance of Electro Thermal Micro Thrusters (ETMT) with Tubular Heating Elements (THE) for Correcting Propulsion Systems (CPS) of maneuverable Small Space Vehicles (SSV). Methods: On the basis of an integrated approach we have defined structural appearance of ETMT with THE, conforming to the requirements to ensure minimum weight, manufacturability and maintainability. Findings: Structural diagrams of ETMT with THE having various lengths have been developed that provide increase in specific burst of power of ETMT in conditions of limited power consumption. Ammonia-operated prototypes of ETMT with THE have been manufactured and tested in a vacuum chamber under conditions most closely resembling the operational ones. The conducted experimental studies have shown the possibility of using ETMT with THE as part of CPS SSV in ETMT power consumption range varying from 60 to 70 W. Application/Improvements: These experimental studies are a continuation of works in creating ETMT of various designs and are of practical interest when developing CPS for maneuvering SSV7.


Correcting Ammonium Propulsion System, Electrothermal Microthruster, Maneuverable Small Space Vehicle, Specific Burst of Power, Tubular Heating Element.