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Strategic Orientations and Organisational Types: A Theoretical Link
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The aim of this study is to explore the extant literature with respect to the effect of organisational types on SO-performance relationship. The type of an organisation is a mental model or metaphorical representation manifested through the structural characteristics such as systems, processes, nature of business and workforce. It is also manifested through values, norms, shared vision (known as culture) and strategic orientations. Authors of this study therefore firmly believe and propose a significant connection between type of organisation and SO-performance relationship. The paper discusses this conceptual link through the review of literature systematically based on last three years research publications i.e. 2010-2012. Firstly, authors highlight the existence of SO-performance relationships and then purport the links between frequently cited SOs and organisational types. The study concludes with several propositions based on a theoretical framework and provokes attention of future researchers towards this crucial issue.
SOs, Organisational Types, Mechanistic, Organic, Political, Organisational Performance, Adaptive Learning, Generative Learning
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