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Development of a Causal Framework Linking Work Values, Perceived Organisational Support, and Job Attitudes

1 National Institute of Construction Management and Research, Pune, Maharashtra, India

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The present study is focused at Indian Generation Y employees who comprise almost half of the Indian working population and are growing at a rapid pace. Preliminary studies and efforts related to deciphering these young employees have classified them as the most demanding population with high expectations from the work environment in terms of better on-site support facilities and norms for work-life balance. The research proposes a conceptual model that seeks to link outlook and approaches of this generation based on their work values (extrinsic, intrinsic, status-related, freedom-related, and social related) to their expectations from organisations (perceived organisational support or POS) in terms of organisational support and its causal relationship with job attitudes like affective commitment, felt obligation, job satisfaction, and turnover intention through outlining relative propositions and giving an understanding about the rationale and significance of the proposed conceptual model.


Generation, India, Job Satisfaction, Perceived Organisational Support, Work Values.
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  • Development of a Causal Framework Linking Work Values, Perceived Organisational Support, and Job Attitudes

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Soumi Rai
National Institute of Construction Management and Research, Pune, Maharashtra, India


The present study is focused at Indian Generation Y employees who comprise almost half of the Indian working population and are growing at a rapid pace. Preliminary studies and efforts related to deciphering these young employees have classified them as the most demanding population with high expectations from the work environment in terms of better on-site support facilities and norms for work-life balance. The research proposes a conceptual model that seeks to link outlook and approaches of this generation based on their work values (extrinsic, intrinsic, status-related, freedom-related, and social related) to their expectations from organisations (perceived organisational support or POS) in terms of organisational support and its causal relationship with job attitudes like affective commitment, felt obligation, job satisfaction, and turnover intention through outlining relative propositions and giving an understanding about the rationale and significance of the proposed conceptual model.


Generation, India, Job Satisfaction, Perceived Organisational Support, Work Values.
