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Perceived Workforce Diversity and Firm Performance: A Study of an Indian Public Sector Organization
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Diverse representation of workforce in public sector organizations is not just righteous, social, or ethical but it also exhibits a virtuous business oriented approach. This study is an attempt to explore the linkage between the perceptions of employees regarding workforce diversity and firm performance in an Indian public sector organization, i.e., Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL). Based on a sample of 619 respondents, the results of data analysis indicated that the perceptions of diverse employees towards workforce diversity were affirmatively and significantly allied to perceived firm performance. Detailed investigation of the impact of employees’ perceptions pertaining to workforce diversity on perceived firm performance revealed that promotion of diversity, access of developmental opportunities, ability and performance of female, minority, and socially disadvantaged workforce, and organizational support for female and differently abled workforce positively contributes to perceived firm performance.
Workforce Diversity, Perception, Firm Performance, Public Sector, India.
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