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A Review on the Role of Emotional Intelligence in different Management Environments

1 School of Management Studies - Punjabi University Patiala, Punjab, India

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This research is to highlight the prevailing role of ‘Emotional Intelligence’ (EI) in Marketing, Production, Finance, Human Resource and Inventory management environments. Where on one end ‘Emotional Intelligence’ is an important trait assimilated by a manager to portray leadership calibre, ‘Emotional Quotient evaluation’ (EQ) of employees can be a breakthrough contribution towards a better employee understanding and management. The purpose of this research is to identify whether it has a similar or distinct impact on each sector. This paper delves into how EQ is used and can be used in different fields of management. The exploration broadens the subject scope to employee level work performance for better management, staffing and scheduling. It evaluates how EQ impacts an employee and in what ways a manager can harness this insight for better results with deeper ken.


Emotional Intelligence, Different Management, Environments, Leadership.
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  • A Review on the Role of Emotional Intelligence in different Management Environments

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Yamini Bali
School of Management Studies - Punjabi University Patiala, Punjab, India
Sahil Raj
School of Management Studies - Punjabi University Patiala, Punjab, India


This research is to highlight the prevailing role of ‘Emotional Intelligence’ (EI) in Marketing, Production, Finance, Human Resource and Inventory management environments. Where on one end ‘Emotional Intelligence’ is an important trait assimilated by a manager to portray leadership calibre, ‘Emotional Quotient evaluation’ (EQ) of employees can be a breakthrough contribution towards a better employee understanding and management. The purpose of this research is to identify whether it has a similar or distinct impact on each sector. This paper delves into how EQ is used and can be used in different fields of management. The exploration broadens the subject scope to employee level work performance for better management, staffing and scheduling. It evaluates how EQ impacts an employee and in what ways a manager can harness this insight for better results with deeper ken.


Emotional Intelligence, Different Management, Environments, Leadership.
