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Formulation and Evaluation of Expectorant Activity of Poly Herbal Cough Syrup from Traditional Medicinal Plant Extracts of North East India

1 Department of Pharmacognosy, Himalayan Pharmacy Institute, Sikkim,, India
2 Government Pharmacy College, Sajong, Rumtek, East Sikkim, Gangtok, Sikkim,, India
3 Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, University of North Bengal, West Bengal,, India

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Poly Herbal formulation composed of multi components which produce synergistic effect apart from boost up of body natural immunity. Plants material may contains polysaccharide, mucilage and tannin which are responsible for the synergism of “active principles”. The Poly herbal cough syrup was prepared by mixing of extracts from five different plants namely Ocimum sanctum, Adhatoda vasica, Cinnamomum verum, Cardamomum subulatum and Ephedra sinica in a syrupy base. The evaluation of the formulation was done by determining different physical parameters such as pH, surface tension, total solid content, specific gravity, viscosity, refractive index and expectorant activity of the cough preparation was done on phenol red induced mice model. The pH, surface tension, total solid content, specific gravity, viscosity and refractive index were found to be 4.82, 54.32 dynes/cm, 38.20% w/v, 1.324 (at 250C), 4.68cp and 1.43 respectively. There was a significant increase (P<0.001) in expectorant activity of the formulation at the doses of 300mg/kg and 600mg/kg as compared to the control group. So the herbal formulation could be used to alleviate mucous secretion from bronchial tract.


Poly Herbal formulation, Expectorant activity, Ocimum sanctum, Adhatoda vasica, Cinnamomum verum, Cardamomum subulatum, Ephedra sinica.
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  • Formulation and Evaluation of Expectorant Activity of Poly Herbal Cough Syrup from Traditional Medicinal Plant Extracts of North East India

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Bijay Sharma
Department of Pharmacognosy, Himalayan Pharmacy Institute, Sikkim,, India
Arnab Bagchi
Department of Pharmacognosy, Himalayan Pharmacy Institute, Sikkim,, India
Sonam Bhutia
Government Pharmacy College, Sajong, Rumtek, East Sikkim, Gangtok, Sikkim,, India
Bapi Ray Sarkar
Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, University of North Bengal, West Bengal,, India
Prosanta Pal
Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, University of North Bengal, West Bengal,, India


Poly Herbal formulation composed of multi components which produce synergistic effect apart from boost up of body natural immunity. Plants material may contains polysaccharide, mucilage and tannin which are responsible for the synergism of “active principles”. The Poly herbal cough syrup was prepared by mixing of extracts from five different plants namely Ocimum sanctum, Adhatoda vasica, Cinnamomum verum, Cardamomum subulatum and Ephedra sinica in a syrupy base. The evaluation of the formulation was done by determining different physical parameters such as pH, surface tension, total solid content, specific gravity, viscosity, refractive index and expectorant activity of the cough preparation was done on phenol red induced mice model. The pH, surface tension, total solid content, specific gravity, viscosity and refractive index were found to be 4.82, 54.32 dynes/cm, 38.20% w/v, 1.324 (at 250C), 4.68cp and 1.43 respectively. There was a significant increase (P<0.001) in expectorant activity of the formulation at the doses of 300mg/kg and 600mg/kg as compared to the control group. So the herbal formulation could be used to alleviate mucous secretion from bronchial tract.


Poly Herbal formulation, Expectorant activity, Ocimum sanctum, Adhatoda vasica, Cinnamomum verum, Cardamomum subulatum, Ephedra sinica.
