The purpose of this research is to construct a scale to assess the efficacy of advertising effectiveness in Indian market. There is a shortage of marketing scales in India and the scales developed in other countries are not necessarily appropriate for use in India. Advertising effectiveness is a strategy by which advertisers gain their stated advertising objectives. This research closely follows the procedure for developing better measure given by Churchill (1979). Psychometrics of the scale is tested with the help of data collected over two rounds of data collection. Drawing on previous literature a seventeen item scale is constructed at pilot study. After checking the various psychometrics of the scale, the scale is reduced to thirteen items for the final study. The analytical tools used are cronbach alpha, item to total correlation and exploratory factor analysis. This scale has the desirable reliability and validity properties. Thus, this scale could be used by the aspiring researchers.
Advertising Effectiveness, Reliability, Validity, Item-To Total Correleation, T-Test and Factor Analysis.
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