Identification of Important E-Journals from Article(S) Sought by the Users:An Analysis of Access Denied Usage Report
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Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources (COUNTER), JR2 (Journal Report 2) - access denied to fulltext articles by month, journal, and category; for the year 2016 and 2017 studied. This paper tries to identify what other e-journal sources apart from current licensed one, that the users looked online to meet day-to-day information requirements. The JR2 usage data downloaded from 13 e-journals platform / content provider for the purpose and analyzed data. This analysis found most frequently paper(s) sought e-journals, year, platform, and publisher wise number of access denied papers during the year 2016 and 2017. It also explored number of e-journals from which at least a full text document tried to download. Bradford’s law of scattering applied to find core journals and found 23 e-journals based on JR2 access denied usage data. The study feels that like other methods and techniques employed by library and information professionals, the JR2 usage data analysis also an important tool to identify the best out of the best resources and help to bridge the gap in serials collection.
Download Pattern, E-Resources Usage Pattern, JR2, E-Journals Access Denied, Usage Statistics.
About The Authors
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