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Analysis of Subject Gateways with Special Emphasis on ‘Jute-Gate’

1 Vidyasagar University, Central Library, Midnapore –721102, West Bengal, India
2 University of Calcutta, Department of Library and Information Science, Third Floor, Asutosh Building, 87/1, College Street, Kolkata − 700073, West Bengal, India

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A detailed survey of 166 subject gateways across the world was conducted to check for existence of any subject gateway on Jute fibre. In addition to that, 54 websites on Jute were also examined for assessing the volume and quality of jute-related information. A comparative analysis of 15 jute-related databases, information systems and subject gateways was also conducted for assessing the uniqueness of prototype subject gateway on Jute (i.e. ‘Jute-Gate’) in disseminating qualitative Jute information to stakeholders. It was found that, out of 166 subject gateways that existed between 1996 and 2017, 102 were active and 64 were closed as on 31.03.2017. Average age of the active gateways was 14.52 years though 5 gateways were found to have existed for 21 years and 3 gateways lasted for only 1 year. It was concluded that number of gateways is dependent on the subject category but average age of subject gateways is independent of subject category. It was also found that no dedicated subject gateway for jute fibre is available and the proposed prototype ‘Jute-Gate’ is a pioneering effort.


Subject Gateway, Survey, Subject Gateway Analysis.
About The Authors

Surojit Sanyal
Vidyasagar University, Central Library, Midnapore –721102, West Bengal

Ratna Bandyopadhyay
University of Calcutta, Department of Library and Information Science, Third Floor, Asutosh Building, 87/1, College Street, Kolkata − 700073, West Bengal

Pijushkanti Panigrahi
University of Calcutta, Department of Library and Information Science, Third Floor, Asutosh Building, 87/1, College Street, Kolkata − 700073, West Bengal


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  • Internet Archive (2017). Wayback machine. Accessed on 31.03.2017. Retrieved from
  • Kanetkar, J. (2014). Development of subject gateways: A status update. DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, 34(5): 367−75.
  • Koch, T. (2000). Quality-controlled subject gateways: Definitions, typologies, empirical overview. Online Information Review, 24(1): 24−34.
  • Robinson, L. and Bawden, D. (1999). Internet subject gate-ways. International Journal of Information Management, 19(6): 511−22. Retrieved from
  • Soper, D.S. (2017). p-Value calculator for a chi-square test [Computer software]. Retrieved from

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  • Analysis of Subject Gateways with Special Emphasis on ‘Jute-Gate’

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Surojit Sanyal
Vidyasagar University, Central Library, Midnapore –721102, West Bengal, India
Ratna Bandyopadhyay
University of Calcutta, Department of Library and Information Science, Third Floor, Asutosh Building, 87/1, College Street, Kolkata − 700073, West Bengal, India
Pijushkanti Panigrahi
University of Calcutta, Department of Library and Information Science, Third Floor, Asutosh Building, 87/1, College Street, Kolkata − 700073, West Bengal, India


A detailed survey of 166 subject gateways across the world was conducted to check for existence of any subject gateway on Jute fibre. In addition to that, 54 websites on Jute were also examined for assessing the volume and quality of jute-related information. A comparative analysis of 15 jute-related databases, information systems and subject gateways was also conducted for assessing the uniqueness of prototype subject gateway on Jute (i.e. ‘Jute-Gate’) in disseminating qualitative Jute information to stakeholders. It was found that, out of 166 subject gateways that existed between 1996 and 2017, 102 were active and 64 were closed as on 31.03.2017. Average age of the active gateways was 14.52 years though 5 gateways were found to have existed for 21 years and 3 gateways lasted for only 1 year. It was concluded that number of gateways is dependent on the subject category but average age of subject gateways is independent of subject category. It was also found that no dedicated subject gateway for jute fibre is available and the proposed prototype ‘Jute-Gate’ is a pioneering effort.


Subject Gateway, Survey, Subject Gateway Analysis.
