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Changing Face of Food Private Label and Category Management:The Significance of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

1 Symbiosis University of Applied Science, Indore, India
2 SCMS School of Technology and Management, Cochin, India

Category management is a relevant process which drives the relationship between manufacturer and retailer. In the prevailing retail scenario where small and big player are striving to compose a differentiation uniquely associated with store image and store brand, category management is bonding grid. Category management is an effective way to utilize market data to help increase the sales. The purpose of this paper is to determine how category management in food private label can help in building store loyalty. A survey of shoppers measured attitudes toward individual stores' images and store brand perceptions, a regression analysis demonstrates a positive relationship between consumers' perceptions of individual store own brands and their associated store's image dimensions and attitudes toward store brands in general. The results of this study suggest that category management enhance customer satisfaction by focusing more on product availability, presentation and customer service rather than the price.


Category Management, Store Brand, Food Private Label, Customer Satisfaction and Store Loyalty.
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Abstract Views: 469

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  • Changing Face of Food Private Label and Category Management:The Significance of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty

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Vilas Nair
Symbiosis University of Applied Science, Indore, India
Susan Abraham
SCMS School of Technology and Management, Cochin, India


Category management is a relevant process which drives the relationship between manufacturer and retailer. In the prevailing retail scenario where small and big player are striving to compose a differentiation uniquely associated with store image and store brand, category management is bonding grid. Category management is an effective way to utilize market data to help increase the sales. The purpose of this paper is to determine how category management in food private label can help in building store loyalty. A survey of shoppers measured attitudes toward individual stores' images and store brand perceptions, a regression analysis demonstrates a positive relationship between consumers' perceptions of individual store own brands and their associated store's image dimensions and attitudes toward store brands in general. The results of this study suggest that category management enhance customer satisfaction by focusing more on product availability, presentation and customer service rather than the price.


Category Management, Store Brand, Food Private Label, Customer Satisfaction and Store Loyalty.
